Your Vote Matters
Voting is our hard earned right. It is the connection between you and your representatives
Electile Dysfunction
In spite of all the “Electile Dysfunction” the more people who get out and vote, the less chance there is of a stolen election
What can you do for election reform, gettin out the vote and election safety?
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With our new song “Raise your voice up” we invite you to participate and share our enthusiasm for getting out the vote.

Making Voting Day a Holiday
There are solutions . . .
Solutions such as automatic voter registration, same-day registration, early voting, no-excuse absentee voting, restoring voting rights to former felons, improved civics education, and voter outreach would all improve voter participation. In addition making election day a holiday would increase voter participation, a celebration of democracy day! Pew Research Center found that 71% of Democrats and 59% of Republicans support making Election Day a federal holiday
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Our Team
We are a diverse ad hoc group of people, collaborators, activists, artists,

Penny Little
Since 2003, election protection has been an important issue. Her documentary film “Electile Dysfunction” addressed some of the problems with election safety, voter suppression, and solutions. Prior to her work with People to People TV, Penny was signed as a singer to Warner Brothers UK, toured the US, Japan and Europe. She has worked with numerous non-profits, including Gang Prevention Through the Arts, Summer Solstice, Association for Global New Thought.

Carrie Topliffe
Working to make a better world, former Director at Child Support Services of Santa Barbara County,
Latest from Our Blog
Get Out and Vote
New Song “Say His Name”
The litany of recently murdered black people inspired us to write a song “Say His Name” We believe their names should never be forgotten. We are horrified by[…]
Read moreWill you vote?
–Penny Little I hear from so many friends, left and right, that they feel disenfranchised from the system, that their vote doesn’t count, it doesn’t matter. They are voting with[…]
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